Hyderabad Office: 1st Floor Al-Falah Chambers Tilak Road Hyderabad, Pakistan Fax:+92-22-2619054 +92-22-3642787

CADI T560 3-in-1 Thermometer

"Take temperature without distrubing your loved one"

  • Precise and ergonomically designed.

  • CADI T560 measures temperatures in two convenient ways, via fast ear or gentle forehead scan.

  • But rest it in its cradle and it transforms into a clock displaying the room temperature.

  • Employing the latest infrared technology packaged in an easy to use manner.

  • CADI T560 is an elegantly designed clinical thermometer meant for your family.

  • Made in Singapore.

► 3-in-1 Thermometer
CADI T560 is a 3-in-1 thermometer that has ear scan, forehead scan and clock/room thermometer functions

► Fast
The fast ear scan gives instant temperature reading at the ear (approx. 1 sec).

► Accurate
Employing the latest infrared technology, CADI T560 gives reliable&accurate temperature measurements.

Meets the American Society for Testing and Materials Accuracy requirements
CE 0434, ASTM E1965-98 (Accuracy) , IEC/EN 60601-1 (Safety),
IEC/EN 60601-1-2, EN 1441:1997, EN 980:1997